Games Jam
our game: Robot Twist (DDR) playtest: word: twist time taken: 8-9 hours Job distribution: Jason: layout design and intractable graphics (buttons, arrows etc) Amy: character sprite design and creation Steph: programming Our game 'robot twist' is a DDR inspired game. we pulled our inspiration from the trip to the 'heart of gaming' , in croydon, in the arcade there were two DDR machines that we enjoyed to play. we wanted to incorporate the simplicity of the controls into our game. The original idea for the theme of the game was DNA because of the structure of the double helix, but our character sprites turned out to look more like robots. Our game has four layouts: multiplayer, single player, game over and start. Multiplayer: Our multiplayer layout consists of two player sprites in the center of the screen which move as the dancers in game for example: if player one was to press 'D' on the keypad then the player one...